05 Dec 2018 12:33 PM | Anonymous

  We are currently holding enrollment and hope that the following information will be helpful.

North Dakota Literacy Association

2018-2019 Membership Information


This is a professional organization that promotes literacy in the schools,  communities, state and nation wide and around the world.

Member benefits  include:

receiving the NDLA Prairie Reader

 reduced registration at state and national conventions 

 possible graduate credit for attending local reading council classes 

other professional development opportunities: including book studies and summer institutes

networking with literacy professionals across the world

membership in a professional organization. In addition, if you 

join ILA, you will receive issues of Reading Today (a bimonthly publication of the 

Association). There are also opportunities for ILA members subscribe to additional journals.  All staff members, including teachers, support staff, aids/paraprofessionals, administrators and student teachers are invited to join.  There are different membership fees depending on what position you fill at your school. Retired teachers are  also encourage to join.

▫ New Membership Process --    All memberships will be completed online using NDLA’s new website:


.▫ Payment is made online

▫ Membership subscription runs from July 1st through June 30th

▫ Memberships expire as of the new fiscal year (July 1, 2019)

▫ Membership fee remains the same for this year -- $30.00 for a teacher’s membership.  Fees for other membership brackets can be found online.

▫ All online membership subscriptions MUST include an email address. 

Student teachers continue to receive a FREE membership in both the local reading council and NDLA!! Just have the student teacher complete the online membership form. - No payment is necessary.

▫ The deadline for our fall membership campaign is November 1st. We’d like to have educators join or renew their local reading council/NDLA memberships by this date. Even so, members are able to join throughout the entire fiscal year; they just won’t receive as many issues of the state’s newsletter.

LaVae Haaland - CLA Membership Chair

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